1 April 2021
The New South Wales and Victorian Governments have today announced an ambitious plan to manage wildlife in the Australian Alps by introducing a population of wild wolves (Canis lupus) from Russia.
The population, comprising one hundred animals, will be released into locations throughout the Southern Alps from today.
"We watched that TED talk by George Monbiot about how wolves changed the river in Yellowstone and it was like a light bulb switching on" Centre For Innovative Grant Seeking head April Fawul said "we have issues with deer and horses in the Alps and it struck us that there is a foolproof, ready made solution".
The Federal Government is backing the project with a $10million grant. "This will get great headlines" a government spokesperson said "the people who want to do this assured us that it's a great idea so who are we to argue?".
When asked what would happen if the wolves in turn became a problem, April Fawul gave assurances that this had all been taken into account "bears prey on young wolves" Fawul said, "if we get too many wolves we will simply introduce a few bears to thin them out".
Author: ADA Editor